WANA (Sep 29) – Seyed Abbas Araghchi, Iran’s Foreign Minister, departed New York on Sunday morning, September 29, 2024, following an intensive visit to attend the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.


During his visit, Araghchi participated in around 50 diplomatic meetings and 10 side events, presenting the Islamic Republic of Iran’s stance on various Middle Eastern issues, including Palestine and Lebanon, to international officials.


He highlighted the crimes of the Israeli regime in Gaza and Lebanon in two UN Security Council sessions, calling on the international community to take decisive action against these violations. Araghchi also addressed journalists, explaining Iran’s position and responding to international questions.


Iran’s Actions Following the Death of Hassan Nasrallah

In response to Israel’s airstrike on Beirut and the death of Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Araghchi launched extensive diplomatic efforts.


In New York, he met with UN Secretary-General António Guterres and the President of the UN General Assembly. During these meetings, Araghchi warned that continued Israeli aggressions would have severe consequences for regional and global peace and security, urging the UN to take immediate action.


He also criticized the Security Council’s inability to take firm stances against Israel and pointed out the United States’ role in supporting Israel, claiming that U.S. obstructionism prevents effective action by the Council.


Call for an Emergency OIC Summit

Araghchi met with Hussein Ibrahim Taha, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), requesting an urgent emergency summit of the OIC leaders.


He condemned Israel’s use of bunker-buster bombs on densely populated areas in Beirut and the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah as crimes against humanity, stressing the need for Islamic countries to take immediate action against these aggressions. The OIC Secretary-General confirmed that consultations with member states for holding the emergency summit were underway.


Araghchi’s Criticism of Netanyahu’s Presence at the UN

During the UN Security Council session, Araghchi criticized the appearance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations, stating that instead of boasting about his crimes, he should be arrested and tried for his actions.


The Iranian Foreign Minister expressed solidarity with the people of Lebanon, affirming that the Islamic Republic fully supports the Lebanese nation and its resistance.


Diplomatic Consultations with Regional and Global Powers

In New York, Araghchi held meetings with the foreign ministers of Russia, Egypt, Syria, and other senior officials from various countries to discuss convening an extraordinary summit of Islamic leaders following recent developments in Lebanon.


He also had a phone conversation with Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib, calling Nasrallah’s martyrdom a significant loss for Lebanon and the Islamic world, stressing that his blood would strengthen the resistance.


Araghchi was briefed by Iran’s chargé d’affaires in Beirut on the latest situation following Israel’s attacks on civilian areas and issued instructions to intensify diplomatic efforts in response.


Regional Alert Status and Call for UN Security Council Meeting

Before leaving New York, Iran’s Foreign Minister warned reporters about the serious risk of a full-scale war in the region, urging regional countries and the international community to heed the current state of alert.


He noted that since Friday evening, after learning of Nasrallah’s martyrdom, Iran has worked to draw the international community’s attention to the matter.


Additionally, Iran’s UN ambassador, Amir Saeid Iravani, condemned Israel’s acts of aggression in a letter to the UN Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council, calling for an emergency Security Council meeting to address Israel’s crimes.


Araghchi’s Message to the International Community

Araghchi emphasized that while the Security Council has failed to take effective measures against Israel’s crimes, he has urged the UN Secretary-General to act as the voice of the international community and work to stop Israel’s criminal actions.


He warned of the region’s unstable situation and stressed that the international community must take decisive and collective action against Israel’s aggressions before it is too late.